What has gradually disappeared over the last thirty years without people really noticing?
Heirs of corrupt should surrender 80% of their wealth in India
The consequence of India having idiot Modi as Prime Minister
Perils of work from office
Understanding Quantum Computing
Signs of a Highly Intelligent Employee
DMK is incompetent and intoxicated
My thoughts on HAL AMCA
Why they didn't teach this in college?
Tata Motors is a Buffalo and you can do nothing about it
Flow Vs Productivity
Astrology never worked for me
Good that Chennai people have lost trust in Tamilnadu
Times I felt bad using Ruby on Rails
Not surprised that Tamilnadu has become breeding ground of Islamic terrorists
Better economists, than donors as our leaders
Capistrano, Ruby 3.3.5 - no implicit conversion of nil into String (SSHKit::Runner::ExecuteError)
The missing feedback in corporates and companies
ChatGPT beats Youtube on many occasions
POST should return status 201
I missed these stuff in my college
Aryan BJP, Dravidian Kerala
Illegal India
When toilet papers disappeared
Why JavaScript is an Anti-Programmer's language?
Quality of Education & Dogs
Solving problems should be part of a programmers life
Choice of not marrying
How A.I will make every software a Free Software
Shameful swearing in ceremony of Chandrababu Naidu
Questions about Modi's meditation
Fascist DMK attacks journalistic freedom in Tamilnadu
99.99% of engineers are going to be junk
Looting employees in the name of variable pay
What I don't understand about rape charges against politicians?
Good and bad about Naam Tamizhar
Is your company an Indian or a slave company?
Getting things done
Nobody should code
BJP and Annamalai have got it totally wrong about DMK
I might be lucky to have good Christian as Project Manager
Not a pinnacle of stupidity, India wants to ban imagination
Why I think India is a super poor nation?
Deeply saddened by Stallman's cancer
Ayodhya Ram Temple is a slap on the face of Indian Democracy
Execution tracing protocol for better developer experience
In defense of Mansoor Ali Khan
Rails killed ReactJS, now its burning the corpse
Tamilnadu's Engineering colleges are super waste
My views on Agile and Project Management
Oh fuck, not the bulb again!
Richard Stallman interview goes wrong
Perfection & Survival
This IIT professor is going to be fired for talking the truth about BJP and RSS
Tamilnadu should get water independence from India
Slaves want to be slaves
8th standard kid driving a bike
Could Kandahar have been the capital of Murugan's empire?
Why I think Hinduism will outlast Islam
htmx is far far better than ReactJS
Boycott Modi
Why BJP and RSS should be destroyed
Dog and flies in Sai food court, Sithalapakkam
Resume Vs CV
Facts are unmasking Kushboo and Chennai Mayor Priya
Why bad things happen in batches?
What Stalin says about Senthil Balaji
Tamils should search for right people to rule
CGPA of Indian States
Why can't Indian President Inaugurate The New Parliament?
Which tech companies will make more money in future
An argument for the command line
Ghost encounters in office
India, a state intolerant to art and expression
Miss Vairamuthu in Ponniyin Selvan
Why use ReactJS, Angular or Vue with Ruby on Rails?
A BJP car gives me a laugh
Making Tamilnadu a I.T superpower
Why I think evil people face demise
Why Khalistan now?
Better prison than tyrant
Tamilnadu government school rocks
What Adani could have done if it was pure
It's 2023 and still religion is strong in Tamilnadu. Shame.
Ancient religious knowledge
The lion in parliament hunting Adani
Vote for Naam Tamizhar in Erode East
USA plans war with China
People who know to code should be in the I.T industry
Meherbai Tata
Saw this video when I was wondering why I am meeting so many psychopaths in my life
DMK rule assured
There is some magic in pure gaana and folk singers
The lightness of being a freelancer
These boxes don't move
Universe - 25. Why men and women in wealthy, crowded places don't behave like men and women anymore
Let's de-grave marina
Think like a farmer
Need freshers for a web tech company
7 Japanese Philosophies
Dall-E generated mascot
IQ of BJP vote bank
Dogs, bloody dogs
What lack of sleep can do to you
Need for Tamil Professional Examination
Does Coimbatore contain high number of psychopaths?
Why India must promote lab grown meat
Is this what Quran tells about women?
Some strange scam on Linkedin
This man should be our Prime Minister
Not satisfied with Sithalapakkam's Jai Biriyani
Elon Musk and my style of work
This woman is such a great stupid, BJP people would love to have her in their party
Bullshit Job
Vadacurry in Hotel Archana Bhavan in Sithalapakkam is good
Slack is a distraction
Coimbatore blast, different perspectives
Why do people buy gold?
Don't buy AGARO Regal Plus Upright Vacuum Cleaner
I wish I ran a tea and bonda shop
How backward Hindu's are?
A to Z Pyramid in Ruby
Do religious parties have any credibility in age of data?
BJP respecting national flag
Take lot of breaks while programming
Where is the terrorism defeating Prime Minister?
jQuery is still the 👑 King
Bayesian Probability for Babies
Patenting inventions in 🇮🇳
Prince Rupert’s drops vs Hydraulic Press
Something is spun around Savuku Shankar
How ancient Greek knew the circumference of the Earth
Ponniyin Selvan may not be historically accurate
Madras Bhai Biriyani not so good
Thoughts about Goddess Kaali should be tolerated in a democracy
The problem of being a good Ruby on Rails developer
Task which will fail 99.99% of Tamilnadu's Electronic Engineers
Fundamentals of a Business
How to Defeat the Islamic Empire
Shameless DMK
Why Amit Shah started language war and Modi wants to end it?
Strange Hinduism
Oruthee, a good movie with few glitches
The myth of notice period
Sensing hot or cold
Never Derail
mkcd Make and change directory
Recursion in Clojure
Possibly a web app with pure Ruby. But will it be on time?
R.N.Ravi crushes Tamils in Tamilnadu
Finding outer products of vectors - Python Vs Julia
I Love Ruby 3, front cover
Can India overcome dynastic politics
Trapped in I.T
Did Nehru go about inaugurating Temples?
Getting Clojupyter running
When Devise sign_in, sign_up does not work with RSpec request spec
The silliness of frontend frameworks
Let's call ourself Code Mechanics now
Coding in Power Cut Tamilnadu
Why God doesn't matter in Buddhism?
Time highlights inequality in India
Kerala Muslims should stop spitting on food
தீதும் நன்றும் பிறர் தர வாரா the miracle file transfer website
Backing up Heroku Postgres database, restoring it locally
Linkedin is an anti-social network
DMK ministers are making fool of themselves
Why Every Indian Should Watch Jai Bhim
When Trix Image / Attachment does not upload to Amazon S3
Why Businesses are Afraid of Kerala
Using Bootstrap Icons in Ruby on Rails
Installing Ruby 3.0.2 on Mac M1
BDD kills software industry productivity
How the Universe could measure Time?
Still using x86 for asdf on M1 Mac
The local body elections in Sithalapakkam
Dark Tamil Nadu under M.K.Stalin's Rule
The Plugins I would Like to Have in My Chat and Calls
DMK trying to give god back to people
Living without killing is morally satisfying
Failed start for Stalin
Why India won't win over Covid?
Pandemic Violation's
Suicides Should be a Human Right
How Indian middle class can end Islamic terrorism?
Why Neighbours Watch on Myanmar's Killings
When a Honest White Collar Man Should Start a Business?
Why I Think Modi Economics is Stupid
Running PHP on Mac M1
Why you must not buy Apple M1
Stunning possibility in Data Science
Rajinikanth in Free Software
Why India should absorb Pakistan and Bangladesh?
How to understand non Chennai Tamils emotions?
Moral void of youtubers during pandemic
Using Bootstrap Icons in Rails 6 with Webpacker
Wish people had astronaut level psychology
How I Make My Curses Work?
Experience/Advice from a 10+ year data scientist
Life Of An Indian
Why I don't bet on gold?
Silencing Prashanth Bhushan - Supreme Court Destroys India
Time to fight back Hindi colonialist once again
So the 5 Rafel's are supposed to terrorize China and Pakistan?
There is obscenity in every religion and you should not know about it
Dravidianism and Aryanism
Would be happy if Nagaland banned God than Dog
How SpaceX Will make entire world an I.T hub
What Tamilnadu teaches India?
Evolution of skin dealing with fire / heat
The Misconceptions of a Programmer's Life
The Chinese Communist Immaturity
Silku Smitha's home should be converted to a memorial
Some useful gems for Ruby on Rails
A very simple fix to low quality of Engineering
A strategy to destroy religion
Vizag people won't get Justice
A glimmer of hope for Alagiri
Why I am not an Atheist
Are Tamils naturally foolhardy?
Don't write complex SQL queries
Don't change constants in Ruby
Will I.T companies realize the goodness of work from home?
Fragile and Strong India
Junior Kuppuna Closes for Good and Bismi Briyani Review
Modi's Tuglak Rule in India - The Half Baked Lockdown
Twitter shouldn't have censored Rajinikanth
Hotel Chicz and Cafe Elisa closes
My another take on marriage
Tiffin @ flavors and platters (Technopark - Trivandrum) is good
Don't declare private function on top of class
Crap Briyani @ Flavours and Platters - Technopark Trivandrum
My work @ Trivandrum
Instant feedback for programmers
A.R.Rehmaan Vs Salem.R.R
Where Periyaar Failed
Another Disturbing Fact About Trumatics
Ruby 2.7 and Rails Thoughts
I Follow This Method Whenever My Brain Is struggling With A Complicated Programming Task.
Gold Winner Still Polluting Sithalapakkam?
Python Projects for Beginners - a great book
Rails How to Use Greater Than / Less Than in Active Record where Statements
Communist are Right and I.T workers are wrong
Hotel Gokulam Park Sabari Sucks
How I see non Chennai people
Hotel Supriya In OMR Sucks
Julia will eventually oust Python
Galaxies on an Oscillating base
Encounter with a psycho
Modi Creates Hitler Durbar In India
Man with a woman
Mistrust In Eastern Cultures
A Good Woman Driver
Why Jesus won't cut in, in India
Why Rationalist Like Buddhism
The BJP has got more than an Economic Debacle
The Dream of Islamic Caliphate
Great move on Kashmir
வருங்காலம் நல்காலம்
History of Religion
Dynastic politics in Tamilnadu is worrying
Calling methods with & operator in Ruby
Testing Mathjax on my blog
Salem R.R Briyani Is Not Consistent
Better Dask Than Spark
One good thing I have done for my friends
AN-32 Crash, Where is my tax money?
Saw The Accidental Priminister
India under Nazi Rule
Sithalapakkam dries up
Christchurch Call violates freedom of expression
Coward India
Can you sleep when the wind blows?
Don't buy side dish from Yaa Mohaideen Perumbaakkam
Good that people are turning away from engineering
Money money money, Sulekha wants my money
Banning TikTok is a violation of freedom of expression
Why I left Trumatics
Why vote for Congress or BJP when good blood flows in you?
Rahul is not speaking about UBI.
Ruby on Rails Developer needed in Chennai.
Echo cancellation in Ubuntu
Donald Trump is an Idiot
The Aadhar Mystery
WhatsApp Stupidity
யாருக்கு என் வாக்கு
Code Coma
Why the Congress shouldn't be trusted?
Will Engineering Colleges Survive?
What Actor Vijay & Kamal won't tell about freebies
Install latest version of imagemagick in Ubuntu 18.04
Finally some one speaks against Single Page Apps
Behaving like a successful rule
Buddha Posters
Emotional Nation
Why religion is stuck?
I Love Ruby's new avatar
Baba Ramdev a fraud?
Iyappan and Strange Hinduism
Why VIP's need special treatment?
India wide energy and water network
A possible mistake in Rails Active Storage documentation
The dark side of Fantastic Jeyachandran
My blog in Dat Protocol
Why I think Yedurappa and BJP are stupid
How Telephone Companies Loot You
Another admission of defeat for Windows
Sharpen your axe
Narendra Modi is Anti Indian
BJP's double standards
A shameful day for Tamils
How Heroku still makes money?
Factual Beliefs
Why not Shakeela become next Tamilnadu CM?
Traffic police in Medavakkam are pathetic
Why I don't wish people
I Love Ruby comes to top
Employee Skill and Business Needs
Unfair expectations
Why not MSP rather than CTC?
Stubbing with Python in built server
Water logging problem in Skylab Avenue Sithalapakkam
What Chennai people feel about the rains?
Kamal has come up to stage 3?
News reporter Jebersan threatened by BJP
Renaming class in Ruby (a kinda)
I am greater Idiot than Rahul Gandhi, says Narendra Modi
Mailspring is evil
Quiet proud of my Engineering training
What I hate about medium
Electromagnetic Field Theory Book
Why people use JIRA
What can I do if computing prices are falling?
India is not just two party state
Jim Mattis should not be allowed to fool India
A murder of democracy in Tamilnadu
Unicultural society possible?
Indians should be ignorant
Wy can't students get away with one exam?
More of a con guru than a Sadguru
Map of mathematics
Shaky BJP
Intolerant Christians
Looking for sponsors for my Ruby Book
No to buying property yet in Chennai
Accidents around Sithalapakkam
Openmailbox restricts free users
Axis bank lets me down
Invitation, Coimbatore Style
University of Sandiego uses my work
Strange Hindu Rules
Why I bet on Ruby on Rails
Foul Smelling Velacherry
Modi is just another politician
Firefox still sucks
The police who likes to shake hands
Wordpress to Medium to Jekyll
Cost of food in Chennai.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is a barking dog.
Chinese plastic egg sale in Sithalapakkam?
Bad boss
Working less, achieving more
Sate of Tamilnadu, India
Compromising security for time
Getting wet in data science
Boluchistan is an excellent move
Jayalalitha is a liar
Why politicians / leaders are idiots?
Why the cow brigade doesn't attack Hindus and Brahmin's living abroad?
Disadvantage Jayalaitha in Piyush case?
Engineer must be an engineer
Power cuts in Sithalapakkam
Thinnai Restaurant in OMR is a cheat
Beautiful Islamic Chants
Wishing for Scottish independence
Telugu men should stop being prostitutes
Free software weekends
Electricity crisis in Tamilnadu
The world is mismanaged - What happened to cheap fission power?
Autonomous Plant Watering
The best TedX talk I have ever seen
Corruption Triumphs in Tamilnadu
Indian Map Control is Stupid
No more DMK and ADMK?
Poodr not so good
East Side Sushi
The Pirate Party India Supports Direct Democracy
Why Hindi people must learn Tamil
Crowdsourcing traffic policing
Ways to hire employee for startup
Powercuts back in Chennai
Russian Engineering
Polimer reports wrong about planet 9
Tamilian news channels are stupid in Sci-Tech
Why startups are a sham
Makkal Nala Kuttani Takes Shape
Agile, Scrum and Kanban
Offensive Space Rocks
Steve Jobs Lost Video
The Man Who Knew Infinity
BJP's failures
Now i'll think of shaving....
Why BSNL is so stupid?
Good correction in Engineering
Blind Capitalism
Nyana Udhayam
Stupid Axis Bank Credit Card
Github falls under management guillotine
Beautiful Minds- Richard Dawkins
Habits of effective people
BJP's void promises
Why God does not exist in my world?
Why you must not buy a house in Chennai
Man and woman thing
Persuit happiness, for a programmer
Why Bible Sucks
No wrong with Beep Song
Yahoo eliminates testers
Unimaginable Voice
Chennai Rains - Thirukural
Negative Fibonacci :)
Traffic Ramasamy Message to Jayalalitha
Come back to Chennai after a week or two
Project Management is not Bowing
Chennai Flood - Sithalapakam Okay
Working from home has benefits
The dangers of America
OSM drone project
Poor Birds
Humor in Science
Tamilnadu Politics
Wish Gold Winner Closes Down
How To Behave In Software Industry
Wish Hemingway had written more
Resource Rotation Policy - Especially in Support Projects in IT companies
Kardrak may not become a fucked up
Kardrak becomes more SEO friendly
Respect must be earned
Crap people world
Concentrating on toll free Indian numbers @ Kardrak
Dark desire to control people
Kardrak gaining momentum on search engines
Friend gets overwhelmed by my work ethics
Corporate Gmail is quiet good
Indian Education
The Indian Engineer Logo
Ramayana, my stlye
Big Data - Another Jargon for the Fucking MBA's
Big data / Computer vision in cooking
Apple users are so stupid
Anti alcohol movement undermines user freedom
Spending patterns
Love your Job
We the Dumb Fucks
HCL Trash
Excellent article on post capitalism
Behaviour of a stained leader
United States of America & Blind Capitalism
Logic Vs Business
Where the middle class loose
To Italy with money....
Non Tamil Idiots
More pics of ballsy topless Lebanese girls burning #ISIS flags...
Four Horsemen
Unlearning - Brain - Neural network
Greatest speech for Digital Freedom
Identifyig ultra stupid MBA's
Escape from Google & Facebook Tracking
What Google Expects you to know
Apple Computers
Unreal Info Tech jobs should go away
Friend indeed
Painful programmers?
Bullshit Jobs
No more killing of concious life
Engineers Life
பிஞ்ச செருப்பு
Productivity + Measurability = human bots
Dealing with MBA's
What is Ubuntu?
A look in the mirror
My next career move
The Jaya Stratergy
India, the lawless nation
Its just pure luck
Apple Watch Review
Creating and ruining a product
The reason for being hired
Blind Capitalism
Peripherals Behind The Iron Curtain
Smoky Sithalapakkam
Kejirwal the Dictator
Gravity, Space, Time
Installing Gnome Shell on Ubuntu 14.10
Linux Sucks
Voice of a thinker
Patents will fall soon
Well..... This is truth about India
Protecting women the BJP way
X-Carve, The Logical Upgrade To A Shapeoko
Lockheed's fusion invention
தத்துவக் கவிதை
Why are MBA's so stupid?
5 white-collar jobs robots already have taken
Friendship is different from business
Can Tamils be as intelligent as Delhi people?
வியட்னாமை ஆண்ட பாண்டிய மன்னன்
Breaking away from reality
Goodluck Ubuntu
What the Ukrainians don't see
Whatsapp Joke on I.T Projects
The Goodness of Marriage - Got it in Whatsapp!
Life of Tears
Financial Management Without MBA!!!
No wonder Pope bats for censorship
Thiruvalluvar Yatra
Why there are few girl engineers and programmers
Whats free software?
OMR, Thuraipakkam, Chennai
Hello Google...
Wish of Prophet Muhammad
How to install Corebird twitter client on Ubuntu
Who should enter I.T industry
Why Trade Unions Are Necessary In I.T Sector
Exploitation of Children by State
Steve Jobs - Greatest Genius Ever
Nazi's of the East
Christmas @ Zanec
Engineering Vs Marketing / MBA
Penultimate stage to freedom
Bharat Matrimony Cheated my Family
Bill Gates after retirement
Facebook Vs Diaspora
Managing free software projects
The Alien View
Just testing diaspora wordpress bridge
Men are dogs
Why Engineers get fed up
The eyes that King Ashoka saw
Voice of Truth
The power of free software
Personal Freedom and Political Change
Deteoriating law and order in Sithalapakkam
The dark web
The Rise of China
The rise of Duck Duck Go
Surving the I.T industry
Nityananda and Windows 10
Huge huge setback to anti-corruption
Interview with [Damien George], Creator of the Micro Python project
Programmer and MBA's brain
Failing Pakistan
Morning Music
Should cry babies rule Tamilnadu?
Wonder why Hannibal did not apply Fabian strategy?
Photo Album: The Untold Story of Pakistan
I hate Subramaniya Swamy
Most funny #Jayaverdict tweet
A book on I.T industry
Mending India and Pakistan problem
Unforgettable day at Jaya Engineering College
Why software should sell with minimum 400% margin
The importance of sleep
Evil Twitter ends Twitpic
Tamil school kids must listen to Hindi speech tomorrow
Pishing in Godaddys name
Secret ballot and media control contradicts
Great nations are made by great leaders
Dignity in software industry?
Modi Govt Behaving Like a Banana Government
Freedom of expression banned in India
The art of Project Management - In Software Firm
India Vs Tamilnadu
Goodbye Robin :)
Paying for Tata motors mistakes
Indian solar power can end American era
Who owns India?
State Bank ATM cheated me
The Guy Who Will Change the Human Race
Crappy Code
Blind Capitalism
The world reacts to Diaspora v0.4.0.0
Low Voltage Jayalalitha
Got back Unity
Workers win over corporates in Seattle
Onions and Garlic are banned
Conservative companies and modern employees
Apple is terrified of Android
Sithalapakkam Dries Up
Publishing your work with The Pirate Bay
Nitish - A man of principle
India should keep America in its place
The leaping girl of Sithalapakkam
Nee Engey, Excellent!
Installing Ubuntu 14.04 on Lenovo G500
Treating people in a business
The Love App
What should be business?
The Power of Vote
A random chat with a friend
Preparing for a Fascist India
How Germany Is Saving India The Second Time
Free food farm
Political Banners Tied To Lamp Posts
Large Scale Universal Manipulation Might Send A Message
Names and Corporate Culture
What to do when u realize meaning of life is 42
How People's representatives are Sworn in Tamilnadu, India
How many of you use Diaspora?
Evolution of Human Mind
RIP - Aaron Swartz
Thank you youtube-dl
ISRO must liberate nations from United States
Seems true
Trying to push Opal into Rails Core
Happiness is in Church
Kalyana Samayal Sadham is Excellent
Is India listening what you talk to your loved ones
The Strong One
Marble is quiet good now
Manufacturing Consent
Something very much I need
Karthikeyan Blogs Continues
Use GNU/Linux ;)
Homosexuality Sucks
Positive response for I Love Ruby
Ask the Alumnus Employees
Added something about Metaprogramming in I Love Ruby
What made the human Brain?
The Villa is quiet good
Tata motors helpline sucks
Great I.T company in Chennai
Start screening Nigerians
Space Glasses
I Love Ruby link is deactivated
Why Nokia and Apple are waste
Why I support Amma meals
Read Engineering From Internet – TN Govt
Blind Capitalism
Blind Capitalism
300 hits on day one
Reliance Harrasment Continues
Thinkers way of seeing life
Raja Rani – Mouna Ragam Mutated
Pathetic state of hobby electronics in India
Bagavat Geethas Highlight
Why Tambaram East Railway Station is Badly Lit?
Who believes in who is important…..
How should life be…….
Mariyaan quiet good
Chinese must try to overthrow Red Families
Only a open mind can survive an open world
Widraw from Battle, win the War
மனதில் தோன்றியவை
Rajnath must work to remove Sanskrit from Tamilian Temples
The Divde and Conquer Technique
Freedom of expression should prevail
We simply don’t know!
Very Simple Search for Active Records
Don’t Buy @ Thalapakattu Briyani in Sithalapakkam
Doug is dead
Best NSA joke ever
Brick and Arrow
Google Maps is rocking Internet world once again
Windows 8 is irritating for developers
(Almost) any one can have an satellite of their own
Understanding String Theory
Don’t Panic America!
Techspecialist Demistified
பணநாயகத்தில் வாழ்வது எப்படி?
Project Execution in Corporates
Indian politicians runaway from RTI
Windows Eliminated
Age of Keyboard should end
Why Scala?
The Dream
Video Datamining is the future
Breaking the Nuclear and Oil Duopoly
Thankfully not all humans are stupid
I am good at predicting things ;-)
Blind Capitalism – 2
Googles Opinion about Jayalalitha
Karate for Girls
When Unity Sucked
I got married!!!
Hellish ride to home
I Love Ruby – June Release
What the Tech Industry Has Learned from Linus Torvalds
The Developers Mentality
Plastic burned by Sithalapakkam administration
Businesses With Heart
SCIM works on Linux Mint
Practice art of ignoring on Subramaniya Swamy
Dirty Ugly Babies
Why Patents / Copyrights must be abolished
I Love Ruby 2013 released a long back
Just hear this
Indo Italian Similarities
The Greatest Movie I Ever Saw!
Building An Empathic Civilization
Manjal @ Sithalapakkam Makes My Mom Cry
What makes America Great?
If God Came Back
Tata Motors is Unreliable
Islam In A Nutshell
Blind Capitalism
Unblock Bay Image In India
The Origins of Mind As Lab
Why everyone should learn to code
How Copyrights, America and MIT kiiled a beautiful mind
Pakistan becomes more Islamic
Coding @ 5X speed
Effective Coding Time
Jaya and Tamilnadu Congress could be behind Vishwaroopam Ban
Radical Islamist Ban a Movie in Tamilnadu
Infosys Forces Employees to Wear a Tie
Be Honest Than SEO
Impending water shortage in Sithalapakkam
Magnificient Soviet Union
Skype on Ubuntu GNU/Linux sucks
Sloppy road works in Sithalapakkam
Has India got anything other than rape?
Keep them working logic sucks
Terrorist launch Jihad against Mosquitoes
இன்றைய தமிழகம்
Manjal @ Sithalapakkam sells outdated products
The Stranger – an excellent book
xfce is far cooler than Unity
Need for elimination of Management
How Tamil parents spoil their kids future
Karthi Chidambaram Terrorizes Internet users in India
Right energy policy by Tamilnadu
Meeting meetings Meetings
Non pedestrian Chennai
I Love Ruby 2013 Plans
Diasporas missing features
Shocking copy by Tamil music directors
Justdial is fraud
Arundathi Roy is such a stupid
With Paani Sir
Suprise move by Manmohan
Hindi nation honors Slayers of Tamils
Stupidest conversation I ever had
Tata (Nano) Motors Service Sucks
I Love Ruby popularity will be answered
ilr popularity surges
Github repo for I Love Ruby Examples
Is Prakash Karat funded by China?
I Love Ruby Back page released
I Love Ruby front cover release
Desperate USA bullies India
Using roads as data highways
Karthik wasted in Sakuni
Business, Games and Love
Karunanidhi deciving Tamils once again
Mad Jayalalitha blocks traffic in Chennai
Illegal garbage burning in Lubdub, Sithalapakkam
Social networking sucks. I want video networking.
Indian laws entrap married men
Narendra Modi as Prime Minister
Tea shop and womens freedom
Looks like Opa is the way to go
Information freedom curbed in intellectual city
Jayalalitha Stalls India’s Maritime Progress
Illegal Money Collection in Valliammai Engineering College
I am spying on Pakistan :-))
Why is India bowing to evil forces?
Pathetic Transport in Sithalapakkam
iWoz – a must read book
India must firmly stand behind Iran
Rash driving by I.T employees
Ubuntu programmers will be in high demand
Shahrukh Khan looks like a girl
Just another dev day
Rise above humanity
More tolerance towards girls
Got initial funding for Raklist Classifieds
Discrimination in Chennai
$100 Classifieds Raklist Launched
Its more Insurance than Marriage
Failing AIADMK administration in Chennai
Converting Time to IST in Rails
When worker’s rights are ignored
Little walks can save your life
Sleep more to save planet
My friend fights for Knowledge
Terrible ITEL roads
Is college Education really necessary for I.T workers?
KFC and Ponnusamy
Congresses excellent record of Aam aadmi upliftment
Unimaginably stupid Indian Internet censorship
Kudankulam won’t burst that easily
Wikipedia is not Begging on Internet
Love and Hate
Why you must use free software and nothing else?
How I.T companies trap you
Mad Jayalalitha is set to destroy Asia’s largest library
The Pirate Bay is far greater than iTunes
Mourning Dennis Ritchie
Will be just happy to have one friend
Essence of Buddhism
Heroku Rails 3.1 Checklist
Vote rigging in Sithalapakkam
Bake flash and RAM right into the processor die
Bloody Cognizant
Raliance Netconnect Broadband disconnects me without warning
Diaspora’s new features
Time for Oracle to go down
Hollow Independence
In Ruby on Rails there is no planning
Airtel refuses to attend 4 year complaint
180 is excellent
U.S and Europe Downgrade will hit India
Computers are becoming man’s best friend
Die like Che
IE8 and HTML5 problem
Collapse of British law
Why shouldn’t our democracy be undermined? is all about money
Apple products sucked
Western atomic blackmail
Mad Jayalalitha bullies teachers in Tamilnadu
The best Prototype and book
Posterous Vs WordPress
Why India must have strong solar energy policy
Memories are not perfect
Carbon Wedding
Why is Congress afraid of Baba Ramdev? Does Sonia have a Swiss Account?
Use Ajax when needed
Sanskrit and software
Diaspora can beat Facebbok, all it needs is users
Linkedin Sucks
Why I prefer Firefox over Google Chrome?
Jayalalitha’s madness starts
Fuck up those MBA’s
Whats there in Murugan idli kadai?
The art of photography
My heart broke
The British must civilize
Why can’t I have transferable vote?
Jayalalitha the mad woman
Does our democracy needs to be changed?
Ruby on Rails job prospect (in India)
Strange math improbability!
How I recruit people
Heroku is force multiplier to developers
Identifying women entrepreneurs
India’s flawed internet policy and the Indian IT act
Imposing family bonding
Why I believe in food culture?
Search rocks on Ruby on Rails
Zebros India cheats students
How college projects must be done?
Blogging for social cause
காதல் என்றால் என்ன?
அனுட்டா மற்றும் ஈஸ்டர் தீவுகள்
Sensible looter and lunatic patriot
IFFCO-TOKIO insurance is 100% fraud
Study for what?
Improving chemistry in our classrooms
God Save Girls
Aiyappan myth is a spoof
Whats Piracy?
Stop sending wish mails
Satyabhama University students suck
Why I like Vegetarians
Wishing me ‘Happy new year’
Man Madan Ambu is good enough
Eesan unimaginably excellent
Unfortunate fortune teller
Corporates and Genius
My neighbours mail
Cloud computing requires lot of responsibility
De Desertification could keep up food supply
Religious music is killing me
Wikileaks and Dynamic Democracy
Sometimes its better not to love
கோயிலா? கழிப்பறையா?
Distribution without production is stupidity
NIIT fools its students
India should not become Pakistan II
The Enlightened Butcher of Sithalapakkam
This shaving thing
Random process can result in detectable patterns
என்ன கொடுமை சார் இது
Girls do give a kick
Ubuntu has overtaken Windows
What should be marriage?
BSNL sucks once again
Proper investigation into Common Wealth games corruption is required
ICICI bank bullied my friend
Did stupidity push up Enthiran’s cost?
New twitter will blast facebook
ICICI is a fraud bank
Up with my Ruby book
Manishankar Aiyar as our Chief Minister
Twitter is far better than facebook
My Ruby Book
Should be cautious with Japan
Childish Questions
Drupal & Joomla
An injustice against Alagiri
Earth and Mars
The Ghost Writer – Wow! what a movie
BSNL broadband sucks
“Go to stone age” – Karuna tells Tamilnadu
Don’t mess up with women
Simple mediation to keep your brain fit
Actor Chimbu launches “Save the panda” in China!
Combating Piracy
Lenovo cheats its cutomers
Law in Tamilnadu failing
The minds that Mark Twain saw
U.S attack on Iran imminent
Don’t buy Reliance broadband
Good move by lawyers
If I were God
Sign up against ACTA
Jayalalitha doing politics for hobby
Engineer must be an Engineer
Days of Microsoft Windows supremacy numbered
BSNL Chennai call center sucks
Marriage! Marriage!! Marriage!!!
Science can’t thrive in restriction
Ruby makes programming so simple
Vinnaithandi Varuvaaya – an excellent movie
Voting by midle class can change result
Why DMK must fall
Disturbing things to hear
DNA Compilers
Lets make bribes legal
The pope must step down
Governor got to be kidding
Hospitality, presents and birthdays
Next Rails Quest
India should not talk with Pakistan
Killing of Dogs
Islamic Dogs
Dynamic Democracy
Rails is future
The Nephew Effect
What a waste!
Got something into my head
Diving into Ruby on Rails
Hat’s off to DMK’s persistence
Mockery in Pallikaranai Government Higher Secondary School
Ubuntu 9.10 may beat Windows
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