I.T has given India a lot, one’s father might be a daily wage laborer, but child in the family might be very interested in computers, all the child has is a cell phone, the child calls a right company expresses interest, they test for the curiosity, laptop arrives to their home, along with broadband, within 4 years the kid has a car, a home on loan which can be paid off in another 3 years.

Recruiting the right and bright talent, and pouring money into them which would rival the salaries of CXO of other companies has been a winning strategy in the I.T industry. That too the kid in the I.T company if it’s in a tier 2 or tier 3 town, they an save a lot of money and settle for life soon, marry, and once that’s done, not even we can save it.

Now almost none of you in tech knows assembly language, soon no new hires might know programming languages. They will tell computers what to do, and the computer will spit the binary out. You need not worry about code craft, clean code and so on, just like you do not need to worry about garbage collection these days. Applications that took years to develop could be written in weeks, and they won’t have bugs, and they won’t have code quality issues.

Companies that can give the highest percapita A.I power to their employees will win. They will make money. Just like a company of 17 today is making more money than a company of untrained 350 programmers, a small company that has great minds and high percapita A.I power can make the money of a company that has 1000’s of people who are untrained in A.I and free thought.