Saibaba the fraud

My heart broke on 28th, when I saw in papers that Satya Saibaba was given a funeral with full state honor. There was this image of army javans placing the Indian flag on his coffin. I loved my nation, I don’t have a reason why I did, but at that time when I saw that image, I thought our nation is not fit enough to exist.

Saibaba is a fraud. 100% fraud. Yes he might have used his money to do some humanitarian projects, but, a simple question, will you ever eat in a house of a man who you know has committed a robbery or fraud? I don’t know what has happened to my nation men and women. They seem to prefer soothing illusion rather than facts.

There were and are 1000’s of rationalist who unlike Saibaba are in the mission of enlightening people with education, science, mathematics, pure facts and truth that we have learned from this cosmos we live in. They don’t rob people claiming they have superpowers and powers to make you meet god. They don’t produce talisman and gold chains from thin air. They don’t spit out golden eggs, they don’t want to be worshiped, they don’t seek golden thrones and chariots. All these men prefer to be buried or cremated and their demise would be unmarked.

What is it? I wonder, what is it? That drives a man so crazy. Why can’t my fellow humans think logically and realize whats told in their childhood or whats told to them first may not be true. Why can’t people rationally think? Have they sold of their brains?

Giving state honor to a conman is a ultimate insult any thinker in this nation could face. I hate India. I truly hate my nation.