It’s evident that some Islamic king did destroy an ancient temple and build mosque on Ayodhya, none disputes it. India has had a very bad history because of its ability to generate wealth, numerous invaders invaded us and still we have China and Pakistan which would like to invade us and loot us. Though we do not have external invaders ruling us now, we are being looted by our own politicians and oligarchs. That’s very sad.

When India got independence, we gave a pledge in our constitution that integrity of all religious sites will be respected as it was at the time of independence. It doesn’t matter if a religious site was built in a good way, or was it built by destroying other religious sites.

I can understand the anger of Hindus, their temple was destroyed, and a Mosque was built, but India is a nation of tolerance, we have to tolerate, and we must not show barbarism, even though others have been barbaric to us.

We don’t round up Brits living in India, send them to Janian Wallah Bagh and get them shot. We don’t amas army to invade Briton. We don’t trade Britons as slaves. We forgave them. It’s us being Indian. Similarly, we must forgive the Arabian and Persian people who have invaded us.

Being a Dravidian, I am angry that my culture is polluted by Aryan’s, but I don’t seek to destroy them, drive them back to Europe where they belong, I accept history, and have forgiven them and have accepted them as a visitor who stays in my land.

If religious sites should be returned to old state, then, a lot of Amman temples in Tamilnadu should be converted to Jain temples. Jains were persecuted by Hindus, of that time, many jain carvings were wrapped with sarees, worshipped as Amman even today. Jains don’t do tit for tat because they are tolerant people, and that’s what defines and Indian. We must have a strong mind at any time.

Being a nation that accepts invaders if they want to stay, and being a nation that gives equal rights to all people, and being a nation that has guaranteed them that their places of worship won’t be destroyed, the intolerant behavior of RSS and BJP is a slap on Indian democracy which we should all be ashamed of.

People should be proactive, should discuss how Mod is killing democracy in India, people should spread the word, and people should use the upcoming election as tool to dethrone him so that much more democratic government comes to power.