Its was in a project named, a real estate website, I was into a company called Zanec, that company had never seen Ruby on Rails, I was the first guy into that company who knew Ruby, some how even without knowing the technology they were holding a project possibly for 3 months! Let me come to the point, my job was to lead a project and since I am a Rails guy I need to provide JSON end points for front end Angular application. When I started to work, the front end guys got frustrated with me. I was able to give API’s really fast and I was seen slacking off most of the time.

Being brought up in a culture where one is thought work is gain, they got hugely frustrated seeing me get away with little work. They seem not to know that in Rails automation is built into it. That makes me just a person who needs to flick a switch to get it done. Claiming themselves as computer engineers, I failed to see why they failed to see my automated advantage.

The next thing is happening in a company called Trumatics, where I am a partner. We are trying to predict the sales of customer, and its just a regression problem with little number of sample values. Though it looks complex, its just a line of code in GNU Octave. Thats it. Fortunately Trumatics is built up of thinkers who can listen, so things will go really smooth there :D

I see computers as my slave, I don’t see a point in getting frustrated about it and working long hours in front of it. People who work for long hours before computers look like idiots to me.

Most computer or I.T people in India are like this: if asked to cut a tree, they go on to cut it. They don’t mind if they have an axe, they simply don’t care if its sharp, they just go about swinging the axe onto the trunk and they feel happy about working a lot and feel they deserve pay for their stupidity.

Many computer graduates don’t even have an axe, they just have a pen knife or just their nails, and they work hard to fell a tree and go almost nowhere. I concentrate on sharpening the axe and on my swing. I learn a lot, code a lot in my mind before I physically code. I read a lot about software engineering, and about how complex code must be structured so that it can be managed in a simple way, I read a lot about how testing helps if you are coding deterministic programs. Unfortunately as far as my knowledge goes, programs that change itself based on data like A.I ones need different thought to test them. They can be tested any way so TDD freaks need not panic :)

Its these sort of skills, puts me above others. Its strange to think many computer people in India think themselves as programmers and not as mathematicians. They seem not to know whats the difference between concurrency and congruency of a Triangle. Its quiet pathetic. If you just know some loops, branching and think you can survive in I.T industry, I wonder how?

Its not just workers who are stupids, the I.T middle management and upto the companies CEO’s are stupid. Most companies in India put MBA’s and PMP’s who have almost no knowledge of math and logical reasoning in their heads, as heads of project thats based on computers which is purely mathematical and science. Its possibly due to these reasons, our companies are not good enough.