Think of H.Raja, Tamil Isai Sounderajan, R.N.Ravi, Modi, Annamalai and so on, they are good for nothing comedians who rose to top because the nation is full of idiots. I have always wondered why there are so many idiots in BJP, I don’t know the answer.

Recently I encountered a BJP car, I was driving from my friends home to a restaurant may be. The layout in Sithalapakkamis such that there was dead end and there was only one narrow road out, it’s behind JFA furniture’s. At the mouth of the narrow road was parked a car with a BJP flag in the car’s dashboard.

I am not good with identifying cars, so don’t remember what car it is, but it was big. Usually when you park the car in such a hindering way, the driver will be there in case you need to move it if you are causing trouble, here the driver too was not found.

I had to drive my car very carefully, in fear that I would scratch that BJP car parked in most stupid way possible. Just feet away was the main road where there are ample spaces to park, but being a stupid that person got into BJP and somehow his lack of IQ made him park in worst spot possible.

Even if your intelligence is zero, and even if you park randomly, I wonder if one could park like that, I wonder how these BJP people generate such negative intelligence? That skill of theirs is baffling.

While crossing that huge car I saw scratch marks, indicating this guy has been fool for a long, I started to laugh. Any way with idiots like this rising to the top, we are well on our way to become like Afghanistan under Taliban.