Rajinikanth is an hero here in Tamilnadu, India. He is a hero in Japan too. He has done nothing useful but to act, but his funny and comical way of acting has attracted fans like Tom and Jerry would attract fans and his movies are great to watch.

Ruby’s creator Matz is Japanese, so as an Tamil I was asking him to view Rajikanth’s movie and he did :D

and that’s okay because Rajini is super famous in Japan. His film Muthu grossed more than Titanic in Japan.

Now I wanted to manage Ruby versions on my machine and hence tried rbenv, and it did not work. I was using Mac M1 and its a bit pain to get Ruby on it. So after lot of DuckDuckGoing pain I found this tool called asdf here https://www.driftingruby.com/episodes/a-rubyist-s-apple-m1-review. It looked simple and it should work. But ya, we are installing Ruby 3 on rosetta instead of M1, hmmmm….. not okay, but okay. I managed to get Ruby installed.

Then this happened:

% asdf | tail
                                        environment used for command shim execution.
asdf info                               Print OS, Shell and ASDF debug information.
asdf reshim <name> <version>            Recreate shims for version of a package
asdf shim-versions <command>            List the plugins and versions that
                                        provide a command
asdf update                             Update asdf to the latest stable release
asdf update --head                      Update asdf to the latest on the master branch

"Late but latest"
-- Rajinikanth

This is the version of asdf I am currently using :o

% asdf --version

I checked the faces on asdf and found this guy Akash Manohar, an Indian, possibly a Tamil if not Japanese :D living in Banglore.