Socrates said what he said and faced death for it. Nehru said what he said and he faced prison. Maybe Rahul Gandhi is following the footsteps of his great-grandfather.

Every civilization faces dark ages, and this is a dark age for India. We are ruled by a dictator who cannot stand criticism and who cannot face journalists. In short Modi is incapable of being a democratic leader.

What Rahul said is simply a democratic way of living. He said this:

“Why do all these thieves have Modi as their surname? Nirav Modi, Lalit Modi, Narendra Modi.”

– Rahul Gandhi

One can react to it in many ways, one is to accept it true and so get angry about it and try to eliminate such comments, another one is to ignore it, another way is, if one is getting an impression that people with name Modi in it are corrupt, take a simple survey. Go to a place where lot of Modi’s live, find out how many of them were kept quiet when Muslims were massacred, find of out many of them have done jewelry and sports fraud. If say more than 30% of them have done it, maybe we are up to something, else you have got a statistics to show that what Rahul Gandhi said only applied to three Modi’s who are an exception, and most of them are normal people.

Using Rahul Gandhi controversy to make people forget Adani scam.

It’s sad to see Nation going down the drain in hands of BJP. Rather than going behind possible criminals like Adani, finding out how that group caused so much losses, publishing the truth and taking legal action, this dictatorial just want to banish people who question it.

What path Rahul Gandhi is taking seems to be the right one. It’s better goto prison and even get executed by the tyrant Modi than to live under his rule. I’m sure those who put salt in food and eat, and people who do experience shame will follow Rahul.