Hello World! And hello Ruby community!!

I am happy to announce the release of I Love Ruby’s new front cover, and here it is:

It features playing kids discovering Ruby and running towards it. I hope you like it. I wish I have all the time writing and refining my books, but life has other plans for me. My Ruby books video series has stalled too. It’s sad to say it, as my book is really innovative, I think I came up with the idea of naming things starting with i even before Apple did it.

Right now I am working for a company who’s app is coded in Rails, but some of its front end is in React 🤮 (Matz is nice so I am not nice to even out this world). As I am tanking up my JavaScript knowledge and spending all my time learning it, I start to hate it more, at the same time my love for Ruby becomes brighter. Why can’t every one think like Matz and DHH? Matz (and other Japanese Ruby contributors), if you are reading this blog, watch lot of Rajinikanth movies and do something to kill JavaScript.

I hope you people like the cover, and please encourage me so that I have the will to proceed. Please do discourage and spot mistakes so that I can improve my book. I expect this from Ruby beginners. In short give me lot of feedback.

One may contact me at mindaslab@protonmail.com or signal me on +91 8428050777. And yes you can get my Ruby book here https://i-love-ruby.gitlab.io/. I will update it soon.