I was watching this Ponniyin Selvan trailer:

What I couldn’t help noticing is the number of white skinned people appearing in the movie. I think this story is set to take place kind of at least 1500 years ago, before India was discovered by Vascodagama, I wonder how there are so many white people?

At that time we did have healthy trade with Europe, and mostly white skinned women were especially European entertainers and prostitutes. Except for Parthiban and others, most seems to have Aryan tone and goes as white as European ones.

May be this film is not a historically accurate one. May be Ponniyin Selvan novel itself wasn’t thought out well. Or may be in ancient Chola courts they looked at skin color and banished dark toned Tamil people (especially women) and wanted to have only light toned entertainers from Europe and Aryans. Who knows?