I am shocked by Stalin’s announcement of massive 80 crore waste to decorate Karunadhi’s grave with a massive statue of a pen on an artificial island. 80 crores is massive money. It could be given to 800 people to start very small business, even if 1% of them succeed, it will be good. But what good does it do decorating a grave?

I truly wonder what gives right to these dravidian parties to put their dead bodies in Marina? It’s a beach, it belongs to people, more than us, it belongs to all nature. We have converted it into a graveyard and have put artificial structures there.

A leader might be needed for a society (of people who cannot think well, for a society that could think will be leader less), but I wonder what’s the big thing in having a rotting corpse below a huge concrete structure? It looks childish and silly.

One of the thing that outrages me is that we have mausoleum for a proven criminal Jayalaitha in Marina, and almost none opposes it.

I honestly think a person should be remembered for what he had done. Today I know English and interact with the world, thanks to Annadurai. I am an atheist and think rationally, and don’t encourage building temples, mosques, churches and mausoleum, thanks to Periyaar. I don’t remember these people because I saw their graves, but the good things that they have done to me.

I remember Abdul Kalaam not because of his grave, but he protected me from invaders, helped our nation become a space power. I don’t even know where his grave is, though I do know they have built one for him. I remember Kamaraj for his honesty and, his ability not to build grave for his mom even though he was a powerful chief minister of Tamilnadu. I don’t know where Kamaraj is burried, I don’t even know if he was cremated.

The worst thing is that the 80 crores that Stalin wants to spend on decorating his dad’s grave is our hard-earned money. It’s not from Red Giant’s or G-squares or some binaami’s loot. I really wonder what gives the right for these DMK and ADMK to waste our money on dead bodies like this? May be if they earned honestly they would know worth of money and spend it better.

Maybe we people are powerless, coward, and have too much to lose now by protesting against dravidian rule, but I feel ultimately we must de-grave Marina. All these bodies should be taken out, put somewhere else, beach should be given back to people to walk, turtles to reproduce, crabs to crawl.

I encourage the reader to talk about this loot going on in Tamilnadu. I encourage one to think about the good ways of using money than wasting it on dead matter. I wish you would would remeber this blog when you vote again.