An Indian girl seems to have done a movie, and for the poster she has put an image in which goddess Kaali smokes. It would be shocking for any Hindu, as I was a Hindu too and am still a Hindu in my birth certificate, but I feel strongly that as a people of democracy we must tolerate any thought about our Gods.

In Hinduism, we don’t depict God’s as good beings, take for example Indiran, the way Pillar got his mango, lord Raman killing Vaali, those were not good acts. Neither Hinduism claims Asuras are bad. Keralite worship Mahabali who is a good Asuran, there is reason why they say Raavanan is head of 10 good deeds and none can match him.

Yet this same Gods who have done good and evil are worshiped. One may say Kaali smoking is bad, okay then can someone ask why? We here in south worship Karuppan and Muneeswaran, Gods that smoke and drink. just because they are male Gods smoking still makes them good power, but just being a woman a smoking Kaali becomes a bad thing?

I feel very sorry for Indians, rather than giving a good rule for the people where people can afford fuel, cooking gas, vegetables, meat and real estate, Indian government people as though they have met goddess Kaali, and as though having got instructions from her to take down this poster, they have protested against Canada to ban this film or something.

Common we are not stupid Arabs to take a myth serious enough to waste our diplomat’s time like this. India was a mature democracy, now all it can do is to boast ho great it is, say to the world it’s the protector of Hinduism, while the living standards of Indians goes down unnoticed.