Understanding Quantum Computing
Richard Feynman said, if anyone says they understood Quantum Physics, it means they haven’t understood it.
Engineering is more about practicality than about science. Fuzzy Logic was hated by mathematicians while we engineers are using it for a long time, similarly, we have looked at practical applications of stuff and used it, without having a full understanding.
Recently Google announced their willow processor. They claimed what was done by their computer in 5 minutes will take the best super computer today 1025 years to complete. That’s a staggering claim. In this blog I would like to explain to you the reader how such feats are possible.
Computers are here to solve problems, so here is one. Imagine you are in a room.
You are the green dot, and you want to reach the red X. So there are four pathways. One way to reach this path is like this.
Well, that’s one way, there are three ways left. You chose the path at your free will right? Well if you say yes, then you are absolutely wrong. The physics of this universe made you choose that path. In fact there are an uncountable number of universes with uncountable numbers of you, you just experience one of them, that to a short time interval of it. All that had happened is happening, and all that lies in the future has already happened, and there is no time.
Okay lets keep it simple, now imagine there are four universes where it had made you choose four different paths as follows.
Subatomic particles communicate across multiple universes which our brain can’t comprehend, but even before you start a problem, all possible solutions and failures to solve it exists. In many universes you would (in truth that universe would have made you) have solved the problem with flying colors, in many universes you would have failed miserably, in many universes that problem simply would not exist. So say at quantum level if you know how you solved all problems in all universes, in our simple case it might look like this.
As indicated above, you would know all possible solutions of the problem you are solving in an instant.
Now let’s say we have a problem where only 2 out of 4 paths lead you to the solution, a traditional you, or a computer should test each way to find a solution, but a quantum you, or a computer, since it communicates with parallel universes will know exactly which path leads you to red X, and in which paths you have banged yourself onto a wall.