I am happy that India has taken up the challenge of 5th generation aircraft. I am very skeptical about its success, I do think India has the talent to develop it, but I am not sure to what pressures we will succumb to and make this aircraft a failure.

For example HAL Marut failed because we did not have the right engine. The same case with LCA, it’s underperforming, but at least we can say it’s a partial success, at least it’s deployed into the armed forces with a foreign engine.

The engine is the problem for us. For some reason we boast we are a superpower, but just outside my room, water logs as puddles when it rains, there is garbage strewn on the street, and stray dogs roam around. In such a nation, where simple problems cannot be solved, I am not surprised we don’t have our own jet engine.


The Kaaviri engine, dream child of Kalam hasn’t materialized yet. It’s a government project, so there is no surprise it has failed, you may call it a success if it had made someone in` the creamy layer rich. I strongly feel we should have our own engine, and not rely on others. So, how do we go about it?

Publicly funded, private engine company

We need to remove government and bureaucracy out of engine manufacture. I feel we the citizens of India should crowd fund a private company that can develop a fighter jet engine. This company’s goal should be only to develop a fighter jet engine in India, and to sell it to who ever wants to buy it.

By keeping government and corruption out, I think there is a better chance of success. But yes corrupt politicians, having nexus with foreigners will try to ruin it. I am not sure how to defend against them.

A.I in LCA and AMCA

I want A.I navigation for LCA and AMCA. I want these planes to go autonomous. This will save tens of human lives during war. Pakistan has become a radical Islamic nation, so is Bangladesh approaching it quick, we may have two pronged war. Though China has eliminated Islam from its land, its supporting Islamic Jihadist in Bangladesh and Pakistan, so may be three-pronged war is also possible. In that case we need lots of autonomous fighter drones defending our ariel borders.

Nuke missiles, missiles, missiles

If nuclear missiles are cheaper to make, let’s stockpile it. When ever someone enters our territory, thousands of them should be launched on the aggressors important cities, along with lots of decoys to confuse them. We should ensure war ends in minutes rather than months or years.

I am certain that AMCA will be a failure because we won’t be able to make our engine, so mass nuking of aggressor might be the only solution.