Astrology is not true, it’s a spoof, and it never worked for me. Once I was taken to a great astrologer, I am a rationalist and don’t believe in God. God is a spoof too. That astrologer examined my date of birth, time of birth and my astrological chart. He said at the age of 27, I will go and fall at the feet of God, become a great believer. I am 42, and am still not moved by God belief shit.

One of my friend is a great proponent of astrology. He was the one who encouraged me to read daily astrology, and I did. One day what was predicted for Gemini suited me, another day what was predicted for Scorpio suited me. I asked him how to know which astrological sign it is for me today, because I need to read 12 predictions to know what am I that day, plus if possibly the planets are transitioning, some in say Virgo comes true, and say some in the fish sign thing comes true on that day. So is my astro sign changing on that day or something?

Though this was a genuine question, as I was unaware at that time, my friend thought I was teasing his beliefs. Looks like the astro sign of yours never changes, and looks like you have to accept these astrologies what ever it is, even though it says non-realistic things will happen to you.

I think people are psychologically damaged, and since it’s a taboo in India to seek a psychologist, they end up with religion, astrology, and numerous other blind faiths. I wish people get educated a lot, so that they can see what they must see, and not be corrupted by these shit stuff that has no proofs.