It’s no wonder Modi did not announce Wayanad tragedy as a national disaster. BJP being a party submissive to Aryan culture does want to destroy India’s Dravidian past. It’s not now this has been happening, its been happening for thousands of years. As a Tamilian I can say that lot of Tamil works were destroyed, because Tamils listened to Aryans words. Shankaracharya, the betrayer of Tamils, said that Tamil is an eesha baasha, I think it translates the language of lower class people. Aryans cannot tolerate Dravidians for some reason, Aryan literature depict us as Asuras, people with evil mind and desire. They even celebrate good Dravidians like Mahabali been killed by their God’s Vishnu who in his incarnations has committed many adharma and atrocities, shamelessly promoted caste and so on.

Rather than another Gujarat, where Brahmin feet lickers went from home to home of Muslims and slaughtered them, this time nature itself has slaughtered a lot of non-Aryans. This, BJP will think is a gift to them by their Gods. Now the BJP’s strategy would be to add to the misery as much as possible so that the communist government in Kerala gets bad name. Well that’s what the stupids in BJP think tank would think.

Wayanad is a tragedy, the timing the disaster happened, they way it happened, the gory way it happened, all are tragic, its scale is very high. I am personally against Kerala, for all its hydrological problems, to cover its corruption, it’s government always blame the Mullai Periyaar dam to steer the public attention and anger onto Tamilnadu. This time it couldn’t do it, it would seem rubbish if it blamed Tamilnadu. Tamilnadu was smart, the next day this tragedy happened it announced Rs 5 crore relief for Kerala, thus stopping any anti-Tamil forces in Kerala making a move.

I personally felt no Tamil should have helped Kerala. In an unjust way they blamed us many times to cover their corruption, and they should be left to suffer. But this blog is not about Tamilian’s feeling of been betrayed by Malayali’s, this is analysis of BJP’s reaction to Wayanad.

I feel BJP has failed the nation by not announcing Wayanad as a national disaster. They have violated Raj dharama of looking at every citizen as equal. If Anatha Padma Sami Temple, or if Guruvaayur Temple got destroyed, will the BJP be so mute? Won’t they announce it as a national tragedy immediately to please the upper caste Hindus?

People of Kerala should not only reject BJP and RSS. They must reject Bharminism, Aryanism. If Sanskrit is spoken in their temples, a Malayali should feel ashamed of it and must strive so that Gods are prayed to in Malayalam. They must realize that Kerala is Dravidian state and Dravidians have got longer and richer history than Aryans who merely walked into our lands and are trying to destroy our culture.

At least in politics Kerala people have got more brains, they have elected a communist government. Why don’t they realize that time for religion is over, and why don’t they reject religion and embrace science and race ahead?