I was watching a program on DW TV or I think. It was about Iran, how that country has a problem with stray dogs. People in Iran like to feed and stray dogs, and some dogs get rabies and attack people, sometimes killing them, many times infecting them with diseases. I was interested in the program because in Skylab Avenue, Sithalapakkam, we have the same problem. I think there are about 50 dogs in Skylab Avenue alone and people feed them relentlessly. I don’t understand why bring up such a wretched species will do any good to society?

DW program gave me the answer, it was quality of education they said. People with low quality of education never realize feeding stray dogs is a health hazard. It completely fitted with Skylab Avenue. I don’t see thinkers here, I just see people, who just do things because they do it. They have no brains to connect feeding dogs and public health hazard. They are just limited by their emotional values and won’t raise to the level of thought, and cannot think what’s good for the society and what’s good for the future. They simply can’t. You can’t expect an ant to write ‘As you like it’, it’s like that, it’s brain is too incapable.

I have seen both my neighbors feed strays. One of my neighbors has a dog, which barks who know at what time. At all ungodly hours it barks. I am sure that my dog neighbor is educated, but not educated enough, so they take their dogs on to street so that it has the luxury of going toilets right in a public place. They don’t clean up their mess. I’m sure they won’t even know what they are doing even in their deathbed.

One having a dog is his own right, but make it not defecate on street, it’s a health hazard. If it’s barking, do have a nice soundproof, air-conditioned room and raise the dog there so that it does not disturb others. Have a dog that does not disturb and pollute the society.

More than my neighbors, its stray dogs in Skylab Avenue, Sithalapakkam that make my life hell. I don’t like to have Air Conditioners, I like natural air than the one that circulates in the room. Having my windows open I sleep, only to be disturbed by the dogs, the barking dogs of Skylab Avenue, and they bark loud.

If you are in Sithalapakkam, don’t buy idiyappam from the local vendor here, he feeds the dogs, if you buy idiyappam, you are cursed by me, and your family will go into ruin soon. Plus the dogs surround the idiyappam guy before he goes out to sell, who know what licks, paws have touched his hands that deliver idiyappam to you. There is also a guy, may be in his mid 50’s who goes for walk in the morning, and while returning, he empties a Good Day biscuit packet right in front of my home. Did I say quality educated people won’t feed strays? After emptying the packet, he just throws it on the street. My locality is cursed with such low quality people.

At a dead end in Skylab avenue, sharing border with Signature flats, there is a pink color home. Very strange thick glassed people live there. One woman there creases the dogs and I have seen her feed dogs with a cooker full of food! I don’t think she works, and she is definitely not educated I presume.

Chennai Mayor Sucks

There is a girl called Priya, and she is the Chennai mayor. I appreciate DMK making some one from a backward community as a Mayor, but can’t they make someone intelligent from a backward community as a mayor? When asked about what she is going to do about dogs that mauled a school boy in Chennai, she responded that they are going to take survey of dogs.

There was no mention of launching an investigation and terminating the dogs. There is no plan in Chennai to get rid of dogs.

Improved Quality of Education is a Must

I don’t think Chennai people will stop feeding stray dogs any time soon. Ones brain and a whole city getting intelligent is tough. It’s very easy to slip into comfort and stupidity. As a city, as a state and as a nation, we must seek good quality of education so that people have the intelligence to think about the consequence of their action which stretches far beyond the instant emotional kick they get.

I pity Iran though, to keep Islam (or any religion) alive, people have to be kept stupid, so the problem of stray dogs will be there forever. But we as Indians have the freedom to exploit science, becoming intelligent and become a better society by eliminating stray dogs by better educating us.