I think it’s awful for Indian families to push girls into marriage. We are not having high quality marriages in recent days I feel. Both girl and boy should be committed for the marriage to be successful. Sadly it’s okay if a boy does not marry, or marries many times, but girls don’t have the choice. Fake honor is pinned on them, they must marry, and only once they must do it (though today’s girls have bestie, boyfriend, whoever and whatever before and may be after marriage, but this blog is not about that). That sucks.

I have a feeling that most girls are not of marriage quality, they don’t want to get married, they just want to live alone and die. They have no family values, if this kind of low quality stuff are pushed on a boy’s head, then the life of boys becomes bad. Let’s say a boy really wants a family life, a kid, understand what a family is, and imagine him ending up with a low quality girl, unfit for a thing.

Being a wife is tough, being a mother is tough. Not all good wives can be good mothers, and not all good mothers can be good wives. So being a good mother and good wife is super rare. I have gut feeling that only 1 out of 10 girls really want to get married, others just marry to put scene, show off and to have money for shopping. So in that 10%, how may of them can still be a good wife, and good mother to children. It dwindles, may be 1%. That’s why even though married men live longer, maybe they are kept alive by their wives for the money, and because society demands it, we all know the truth that married men are more willing to die.

If families and Indian customs allow girls to be single, then only those who really want to marry will list for marriage, and hence a lot of boys life’s will be saved. I honestly feel t’s better to die, than to end up with a moo-devi (a girl who wants makes you think of committing suicide). Time won’t be wasted for finding a good wife, since society is okay with girls not getting married, the chance of one ending up with high quality wife is increases.

Indian marriage law sucks, if a couple find themselves in stale marriage, they must wait a year for divorce. It means you have to sacrifice more than 1% of your life, just because your marriage sucks, that’s totally unproductive. We know that fast iterations and trial and error leads to best results, so may be reducing the time from 1 year to 3 months will boost marriage productivity 4X, thus increasing nation’s mental health.

We as a nation must drop the concept that marriage is divine and embrace the truth that marriage is for fucking (on demand if one is lucky), and there is nothing special about it, dogs, rats, bats fuck, we are not alone. If we come to that conclusion, then as a next step, we can make prostitution legal, so men and women can be satisfied, and only really serious ones will end up in committed fruitful marriages.