I was watching Richard Stallman interview on Youtube, it was sad how evil capitalists destroyed the hacker culture and brought in the reign of proprietary software. Most software we use, like in our phones and computers or other gadgets, hide something malicious. We are unable to see and reverse engineer what it is. Big money wants to shackle and spy on us, and almost everyone on this planet has submitted to them for convenience.

I strongly recommend every one to learn who Richard Stallman is, and what Free Software is. You will understand you are most probably shackled by proprietary software, and maybe you will think about getting unshackled from it.

This blog is about the light at the end of tunnel I see. I feel A.I will make every software a Free Software in near future. Say there is a binary on your computer, or mobile, or your microwave, one day you will be able to feed it to a neural network, and it will output the source code that can create the very same binary.

The way to create such a neural network is very straight forward. You have lots of source code in Github, GitLab, Codeberg and so on, take look at the image below:

All we need to do is to take those code / library / projects, compile them to machine code for various processor architectures (say Risc V, ARM, x86), feed the compiled code and source to a neural network for it to learn. With lots of examples, neural network will learn to create source code from binary.

The software is created on ones computer, so, one can claim he / she has reverse engineered it (with the help of A.I), and release it in the license one wishes. I am sure many free software enthusiasts will release it under GPLV3.

If we can automate this process, we can have a distributed computers scanning for binaries on the internet, reverse engineering it to code, and releasing equivalent Assembly, C++, Rust, Zig or what ever under GPLV3, thus making them libre to use.

Maybe we can have some programs in our computers that will scan it for binaries and feed it to this A.I liberator, so that all our software could be unshackled.