I never knew Modi Meditated in Vivekanandha rock. It’s nice to see that Tamilnadu’s media ignores this narcissist psychopath. I also feel sad that killers like Modi, and Edapaadi Palani Sami are able to be in Tamilnadu, and they can walk this land without any fear. It does not mean that I don’t accuse DMK, look at all the cyanide deaths of people associated with them. They are yet to kill Savukku Shankar, and I am sure they will succeed.

Keeping those thoughts aside, this is about Modi’s meditation on Vivekanandha rock.

How much did it cost?

How much did it cost? I do have a comfortable living, but huge sums of my earnings goes as taxes, so when ever leader take a break, why don’t we have a public announcement in paper that Modi had gobbled up say 1000 crores of your money to meditate for 45 hours? Why do government hide this kind of data, and put full page ads, saying that this and that are their achievements, when all they have done is their duty? These kinds of transparency will make the people wake up, and ask the right questions so that our mirage of democracy gets exposed.

So does it mean this government want people to be dumb so that they can rule this nation unchallenged?

Why should I pay?

If Modi opens a nuclear plant, or a scientific institution, a library, a education place, yes I am ready to pay. Why should I pay for this psychopath to sit in at place for social media likes? That’s absurd. If this guys wants to do this stupid stuff, why can’t he pay from his pocket? Or ask the party of terrorist (aka the Bharathiya Janatha Party) to pay? They are stupids, and so would believe Modi without a question and would pay.