Saw in News today that 1.3 Lakh Tamils are applying for the course of engineering. It startled me. I thought people would be aware that Engineering colleges are junk, in fact student goes in and comes out even forgetting the calculus he learned in 11th and 12th standard.

He would be so out of touch with industry. I feel that once finishing 10th standard, one must take internship in industry, no matter what, if its software, foundry, steel forging or something. I am sure within 3 years they can come up to industry standards, and work better than a new college graduate.

Since people who go for mad rush for engineering, with just money in their mind, they tend to be too low quality, unemployable, utter waste to society may be even 10 years after graduation. It’s only after that they seem to pick up something, but lose their race in life.

Colleges have sprung up, and are working for decades to tap in peoples desire to study engineering in an attempt to become rich. These colleges are nothing but social clubs, where bunch of people meet for 4 years and leave as more idiots than they were at their 12th standard.

If you are student, or a parent, and if you want to live a proper and fulfilling life, think. Think what has happened to our nation? Why are roads built don’t last long? Why are streets so hot? And why people who have built it never knew we are a summer land and have planned accordingly? Why are there floods and drought? Why don’t we have a system so simple that it can save water?

Think why things are not managed properly? And think why our bosses are stupid? And how could stupid us be bosses of so many people better thinkers than us?

Think why don’t things last, and why things cannot be repaired easily, though we claim we are progressing technically? Think why our lives are difficult than our grandparents?

Think why we don’t see first class mathematicians, poet’s, artists and movie-makers who could make a decent and intellectual films that are entertaining?

Think do you want to spend for years in a stupid factory voiding your family’s fortunes, or you want to have a life of a human?