One good thing about Corona is that not all of us will die, but many of us might be crippled in some way that we may not be realise. Maybe less of brain function, less of bodily functions which are not visible, may be our lifespan will decrease and definitely we won’t be aware of it now, who knows what else happens due to invasion of such fast changing virus?

There are so many humans, and by some miracle even if all get HIV, some of us will survive by a random mutation in our gene. In fact scientist have identified prostitutes in Africa who can perfectly co exist with HIV. So Corona, HIV and whatever will not kill us all.

This is a virus that could have been eliminated easily. All it was to be done is for the governments to ensure none came out their home for a certain time period. Like a nation in disaster, or like politician seeking votes door to door, politicians and beuracrats could have gone door to door and distributed essentials for people to stay in. May be getting votes is much needed for this nation than saving humans who are slowly been killed by corona.

Any way this blog is not about Corona’s lethality and how politicians have fooled us ever since the Brits fooling us ended, this is about who violates the pandemic and what could be the cause in my opinion.

I have seen many not wearing masks even now, though doing so and washing hand, and not going out might have eliminated this disease. I began to wonder why? Why are people failing to do such a simple steps which could have such a positive effect on humanity? The reason is broad thinking seems to be absent. Its like a driver taking to the wrong lane of the road in a traffic jam, for him its him and his well being matters and not the greater good. This reminds me of evolution.

You see in evolution, the intelligent monkey chose the intelligent and out evolved man so slowly in many generations. I think this process is very well alive. When I see a person who is destructive and less intelligent, I naturally tend to repel away from them, no matter how much powerful and wealthy and important they are. May be I feel one day a super intelligent humans will evolve out, who knows?

Any way this blog is about my observations of the stupids, those who do not wear mask, crowd around, travel, do not sanitise and are just intelligent enough to come up with humpty reasons for being an idiot. My observation is those people definitely are not so broad minded and think narrow, and they think of today, and I have never seen them think big or radiate intellectuality out of them. Even among those stupids I can divide them into few classes. One is the not educated ones, we can do nothing about those people, they don’t know what an pandemic is, or how their movement will kill somebody, they need to see the virus take a knife and stab some one for them to belive it’s a killer. Next you have got educated one, why on earth a person who can watch news, read a paper, understand its content can be so stupid? One thing I have noticed is, such kind of peoples parents are ill educated, if ones parents are ill educated and if one is educated, I see that person behaves like an idiot. That person moves around, travels, may not wear mask and sanitise regularly. It’s been highly consistent in my observation. Another group of people I see is the religious, highly religious people are not wearing masks. That’s no wonder because for ages I know being religious and shutting your mind even if you are super educated on paper is a mark of stupidity.

Why you must not violate?

Let’s say you have Covid with no symptoms, and you travel without precaution, then you infect a person on travel and that person feels nothing, that person has old people in his home and they get it and die, then it means you have killed them. It’s as simple as that.

Imagine your loved one slipping a banana peel, falling down on the pavement with their head jutting out into the road, and a lorry runs over it. The person who threw the peel is just few steps away from you and laughs because its not his mistake to have killed your loved one, its your loved one who has stepped over it.