When ever the BJP, RSS and Hindu fanatics want to ban something, then it means there is truth in that. This time it’s not just Hindu fanatics, even the Muslim fanatics want to ban Karuppar Kootam an Youtube channel that broadcasts Periyaar thoughts and their own opinion. I want to stress on their own opinion. This is unfortunately India, you have the right to say your opinion about any one, anything, it’s the duty of this nation to protect you. Or all in this nation must vote for a government that will change the constitution where free speech, thought and expression of opinion is banned. I think Modi is well on the way to do that. I also see a time where bright minds, and thinkers very soon will run away from India as they ran away from Hitler’s Germany. The fact that even Muslims are going against Karuppar Kootam is a good thing. It means these guys have the guts to do what Periyaar did not have, to go against Islam. I feel it’s Periyaars very big mistake of not going against Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainiam. All religions are flawed and misguide people and they all must be eliminated.

Now coming to obscenity in religions. All religions have obscenity in them. Lord Indra, in fact the King of God’s, just research what he did. Just check the Bible and Quoran. In it God even tells a person called Ibrahim to kill his own son. They preach child killing religions to kids even in India which wants to paint itself as a nation of peace. Funny! Today ISIS tells you to send your sons to battle in the name of God. I am sure very obscene stuff is there in Abhrahamic religions too.

Why they don’t want you to know?

Well, it’s the problem with humans. The pundits, Mullahs and Fathers have shown themselves as pure and through masses and religious gathering have interpreted a 1000 year old text in their own way. They have interpreted and modified it to suit to their public life styles. We all know how their private life’s are. Now if you look at the meaning the other way, it breaks the purity cloak in which they hide. They can no longer claim pure.

Those guys have made you worship stone, mad you worship a figure of Jesus that’s not at all Jesus (we don’t even know if he exists, and he could be a con man), made you believe if you offer prayer pointing in a direction it will do good. They have succeeded in making you swim on land, and they have succeeded in making you believe the religion is pure, which is not.

Who are the people who go against Karuppar Kootam?

It’s not saints who have touched the non existent God are going behind this gang that exposes these stuff (of course Karuppar Kootam spice up their expose), but it’s those people who are married, impure, had and are going to have kids, those who watch midnight masala are the people who are going against this Karuppar gang. It is just to be seen if the courts will uphold the law of free opinion or give in to government and vote bank pressure.