So Ruby 2.7 is there and its fast. This very blog is powered by Jekyll and Ruby 2.7 and I can see its speed. I am happy about it, you too will be happy about it if you aren’t worried about this:

/home/ak/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.7.0/gems/activerecord- warning: Using the last argument as keyword parameters is deprecated; maybe ** should be added to the call

which is nothing worry some now. Matz doesn’t like keyword arguments, the way it was there till Ruby 2.6, checkout this:

Rails is fast too. I can see it in Rails 6 + Ruby 2.7, but this bloody webpacker. I am using Rails for too long, first it was prototype and RJS and it was really cool, I loved it. Then came this bloody jQuery, and Rails move to it, we need to learn it, okay that went well, now this webpacker. Javascript ecosystem is still amateur and evolving and its causing headaches.

I spent good amount of time knowing why we need webpacker, got jQuery, propperJS, and bootstrap working. Damn. And I did it all without knowing what I did.

I am very unsatisfied with my work, and I am now working for my own product. But once I get my hands really on webpacker I think I might appreciate with it.

I miss the days of Volt framework when Rubyist were promised that they never need to lay hands on Javascript. I am really sad the way Opal is not integrated into Rails. We need to put up with amateurism and changing mind of Javascript community, and just as Javascript comes of age, it could be wiped out by WASM. Well….