I am born and brought up in Chennai. I travel almost to no other place because I find all I want here. In fact my mission is to never leave my bedroom. I want to earn from my bed, buy suff from my bed, its all possible with todays technology. Trying to be a non nomadic human has made me see people outside Chennai as some what different. They seem to look like weird animals to me. Here is what I found or think about them.

Here when I say non Chennai, that person has come into Chennai, or is a resident of Chennai and visits his so called native. The pure Chennai people are those who have no native, do no visits to their natives so that they are not corrupted by outside Chennai values, and they do not associate with some other city.

Their driving is crazy

Well, possibly driving in Chennai is crazy, so I find it crazy when some one from outside Chennai drives here. I found a vehicle with licence plate TN 76 V… and he was driving right into potholes while we skilfully avoided it. He also drove slow and would not let us pass him. He was such a dork.

I must admit that the road from Sithalapakkam to Sirusseri has one of the worst potholes in India. I also have a feeling that ITEL bribes beuracrats and politicians to deliberately keep these roads in this condition, but we somehow find a way to avoid these potholes and drive without much complaint. We certainly don’t drive into it like other people who follow traffic rules do.

Absolute no respect for women

A strange thing about non Chennai people I find is, they have very little respect for women. A guy from Kerala who is my friend and resides in Sithalapakkam once asked “why are women are there on street?”. I thought something happened to his brain, if we certainly had flying cars and bikes, why do we need to use these damn streets? I thought. But then after further conversation I found out that in his part of India women don’t go out after 6 PM or something.

I can’t imagine that kind of situation happening here. Perhaps if the Taliban or IS or some Kaliphate conquer’s Chennai that might happen, but here you can find women almost at any time on street, it’s definitely not looked in a bad way.

Women smoke, I see lot of women in Tasmac Elite, I don’t think they are bad or immoral, women now are wearing dresses that are truly good to watch ;) and it’s good! They must be able to express themselves in the way they want to. That’s freedom. I don’t understand why non Chennai people find it hard to digest it?

Family Values

Non Chennai people have high family values, possibly like Nithyandha’s followers have high value on him. This doesn’t mean that family members of non Chennai people are good, or non fraud’s or something. It’s just because kids born in non-Chennai families are trained to obey elders without questioning.

We Chennai people however won’t hesitate to question our own elders and parent’s We behave just like lord Karthikeyaa did with his family.

Tradition and belief in Gods

I find both Chennai and non-Chennai people believe in God equally, but all friends I know do go to temples knowing that God is spoof, and they know that these traditions suck, but they do it because they do it.

For non Chennai people, tradition has a real value. I don’t know what exactly. It’s not about pleasing ones mom, wife or relatives, but it seems to be about them, they say it has real value. I don’t know if they are dumb or something, but they stick by it.

Visiting Village

Yup, no matter how crowded it is, non Chennai people visit their villages during festive season. Without seeing their native they are dead. They come to Chennai to earn, Chennai gives them everything they want, but it’s the village they want, but with their beautiful villages they cannot make money somehow but they must depend on this hellish Chennai. I find it ironic. They must be brave and kick Chennai out of their lives.

My city is Chennai, I love it and make money out of it, but tomorrow if I need to settle in Banglore I don’t mind it and I will fall in love with it. Banglore will become my city. Some how my brain does not exist a lot in fuzzy state where I am confused where I should really live.

Living for some mission pission and vision

Non Chennai people seems to be soul heavy like lead. They seem to live for a cause like family, parents blah blah. Dependence on them is very high. Some how they seem to have someone depending on them and that becomes their mission, pission and vision.

Chennai people mostly live for themselves. They seem to think the world is made for them and people are there to serve them. This thought runs through our minds.

Pee Outside

I find it really annoying, but non Chennai people who I know pee just outside on the road. This I don’t find a bit with my Chennai friends. Perhaps India isn’t fully sanity conscious, but I find it really unacceptable. Perhaps there is some good things in Indian tradition we Chennaites do not know.

Liberation and Culture shock

I find that for some who move to Chennai from other parts of Tamilnadu, Andhra, and Kerala, it’s a real liberation. Especially for girls. They really seem to enjoy the freedom this city offers. None seem to look at them and judge them, that seems to be a blessing.

For others it’s a culture shock. Once outsider is in Chennai, let’s say our driving methodology, our way of talk, our mannerism seems to offend them in some way. Possibly it’s like a Brahmin going to USA and seeing some one eating beef and sinking into deep depression.