There is one good thing I have done for my friends in the past 2 years or more, that is to prevent many from buying a house in Chennai, and i am so proud to have saved them lot of money. Here is why you must not buy a house in Chennai.

Chennai is a dying city, having no water

Let’s face it, Chennai is a dying city. Not many people love Chennai, not many people in Chennai identify them as Chennaiites, they love their villages and towns and do not bother to maintain this city. This neglect has made lot of harm to Chennai, stray dogs, overflowing garbage, lack of good clean infra, and Chennai is always controlled by corrupt politicians and cops. This neglect and using Chennai as a money source has depleted it, now we don’t even have water here. To get back things to normal is going to take years and possibly decades. Till that time comes if you buy a home you will be spending any where between 5% - 25% of your earnings for just buying water. Is it good?

Chennai has lot of water

In fact Chennai has lot of water. More rain rains here than that is needed by the people over here to use, but only 5% of it goes into the ground, which means 2 - 3 % only is put to real good use.

The lack of water capture can be seen every where in Chennai, even for moderate rains the roads will be flooded and traffic will be jammed. The government is waste and is comprised only of looters, but what about the people? Can’t they do something about it? No, never. Imagine how much of a fool the people need to be to elect such a foolish looters as our rulers. I never think Chennai people will have sufficient intelligence.

The Conclusion

Only if Chennai turns to dust, and some intelligent beings start to settle here that can really think, will this place prosper again. I feel its only a matter of time that Chennai becomes a dead city.