Donald Trump is an Idiot
I have heard stories about Trump, how much idiot he is. My friends say some of their American clients gets furious when name of Trump gets mentioned. Many in USA view it as a disgrace and depletion of intelligence to America for him to have got elected. Well, here in India we have been electing very stupid leaders in my state Tamilnadu. We Tamil’s are so idiot that we don’t even realize that we have been electing idiots for decades.
Any way this blog is about Trump. I was thrown back when Trump linked Socialism to lack of freedom in State of Union speech. Socialism has got nothing to do with lack of freedom or has got nothing to do with freedom. Socialism is nothing more than social living. Its like you teaching your kid share its lunch with a friend in class who has forgotten its lunch. Its that simple. You can see Socialism with mother who has lot of kids. A kid that faces challenge gets more attention, for example a new born child receives more attention than a kid that’s able to go to school.
Socialism can be forced or unforced. You helping your neighbor, or community is a unforced socialism, but say a class teacher forcing your kid to share its lunch with the one who has failed to bring it is a forced one. In a similar way capitalism can be forced and unforced. A free market is a free capitalism, but are we consulted before making economic laws, or are few business people consulted before a law in made in a capitalistic land? Aren’t the will of the super rich are forced upon us? Think.
An economic model chosen by a community has got nothing to do with the sense of freedom. Sense of freedom is a relative term and its very hard to define. Its hilarious that a person who is controlling the most powerful nation on this planet cannot grasp it.