Its funny what the BJP is doing, its behaving like it has ruled India in a very successful way. It has started celebrating despite adding misery to many, and RSS is trying to use violence to polarize Hindus. Let me tell you what I mean.

The Patel statue

Yes Sardar Patel is a great man no doubt about it, he needs to be remembered for ever, but I think putting a bust of him in parliament is more than enough, yet we have built such a high statue and it costs a lot. It has been built with public money and the public needs to pay Rs 350/- to see it. Yup, we the people of India paid for it and we need to pay further to see what we have created.

There is a Thiruvalluvar statue in Tamilnadu, it too is a waste I feel, we love that man, but spending so much money just to glorify a person hmmm… There are lot of effective things you can do with money so that it can work for you.

That statue costs Rs 2,989 crores. If you can give 10 lakhs to a business aspirant in a village, then you can create 29,890 businesses, think of it. Even if 10% of them succeed and generate 20% growth, you will get back the money in 13 years. I really don’t understand the value of investment in liability.

Just like the Patel, the U.P government and idiot Adithyanath wants to build a Ram statue. What for? Bloody hell what for? Ram has been surviving all along without a giant statue and he will survive more. Its this BJP and RSS acting as though they are the custodians of Hinduism and as though this religion won’t survive or become helpless without them is bothering me.

Violence creation

Many people knew the BJP because of its violence. All of a sudden we knew it because they bashed a mosque like mads. They bashed because a Muslim ruler bashed a Hindu temple hundred years ago. This savage act by the BJP made people know them and got them recognized by Hindus. Nice PR!

Now having got a majority and ruling India for long, they have done things that has plunged the nation in economic disaster.

The first s demonetization, it caused wide spread chaos and even deaths. Some how we haven’t seen any one getting life sentence or a jail term for possessing black money, and I don’t know how that’s possible in law abiding government.

The second economic slip-up was this governments inability to to arrest tycoons who have looted us and are hiding in various countries. Rather than taking steps and arresting them quick, they blame the congress rule. If congress has messed up the nation so much that it cannot be recovered by subsequent ruler, then why did the BJP contend in the election saying that it will give a golden age?

Then the GST. Now small and medium businesses do not know how to file taxes and everything is confusing. The Rafel deal where the french government and Dassult CEO have exposed that its Indian government that wanted to give this deal to Ambani.

So how to get support of people when you have ruined the nation? Margret Thatcher got it by a war with Argentina, but Indian army, is it well uncorrupt to face the paks? I don’t know. So the cheap way is to bring in internal war.

Now Hindu men are angry with women because of Aiyappan temple issue, and the case for it was put filed by the RSS, and we see a instability because RSS has won the case. Now RSS is using the verdict to act against it by encouraging mobs to attack women who want to enter the temple. The second is to rake up the issue of Aiyodhya Ram temple. That’s going on. If Indians are stupid enough they will fall into the RSS trap thinking that its RSS that’s saving Hinduism. But none will think from what its saving Hinduism?

Whats the alternative?

I don’t know whats the alternative. Congress is highly corrupt too, plus they encourage dynastic politics that this nation is still not been able to end. They have become very good in escaping court cases. The DMK, their allies have escaped from the 2G, and congress and Rjiv Gandhi has escaped from Bofors case. The congress will be going into the election like they are the good guys and BJP are the bad ones.

I encourage the reader to think, think of an alternative. Can you discuss with your neighbors and place and fund some one able to rule the nation as a MP candidate?