So, funny things are happening in India. A god called Aiyappan is treated like a men’s toilet. This god should not be worshiped or seen by women says Hindusism, but women do love to see Gods. In a judgment given by the apex court, women were allowed into the temple. Now some hindu fanatics acting against this judgment are blocking women from entering this temple.

Women can enter other Aiyappan temples

Whats really confusing to me is women can enter other Aiyappan temples. There are several temples of this God here in my city Chennai and I have seen women entering it and praying it. So isn’t Aiyappan in Chennai something greater and more powerful than men’s toilet in Sabarimalai?

Girl animals are in Sabarimalai

Sabarimalai is surrounded by forests, and it has girl animals in it. These animals menstruate like human women and they must have wondered on the porch or even come close to Aiyappan there. If girl animals can do it, why can’t girl humans do it? We are part of the same kingdom. I am sure a girl bird would have once flown over aiyappans house and put its dropping on it.

I don’t think human girls would do such a disgusting thing because they have more intelligence, so why can’t they be allowed?

Sabarimalai is a sham

One should note that Sabarimalai and Aiyappan is a sham. The Hindu has prove that makarajothi, a event where Aiyappan appears before humans is not a divine but a man made event. Aiyappan is just a cult, unlike a mortal Saibaba, Nithyananda, we just have a cult revolving around a statue, and statues last long.

The feelings

Many people claim that feelings of believers are hurt by women entering this temple, but the same people say triple talaq system of divorce by muslim is wrong, and they too say that Saudi banning women from driving is wrong too. Aren’t they hurting muslim feelings then? Do they mean to say muslim feelings can be hurt wheras Hindus cannot? Or do they mean to say Indian and Saudi laws should change to empower only muslim women and not Hindu women?

Why can’t Aiyappan handle women?

Why can’t Aiyappan handle women? Whats wrong with him? Is he a gay and don’t like women? Or is he a pervert who would jump out from his idol and have a fuck with a beautiful girl once he sees her?

Why can’t law reverse?

There is a difference between facts and beliefs. Facts can be proven time and again and thus they can be verified, beliefs can and cannot be facts. Most religious beliefs aren’t facts and hence breaks down. Any progressive society will naturally weed out unwanted beliefs and will become a society that runs on facts so that it can become efficient and competitive and that’s what is happening to India. For India to go back to vedic times where women can be oppressed like animals, we need a revolution and Taliban like force occupying the power here. The RSS is one such organization that has a huge potential and they are in power. So women oppressors should support them so that women’s rights could be silenced one day. Till they the day they can oust democracy, you retards cannot do a thing in India.