Windows is slowly but surely giving way to GNU Linux. Linux’s desktop share is just above 2%, but on the Internet scale GNU Linux rules. All computers that power our Internet are critical systems and they run Linux. Most mobile phones use Linux as Android. Many people who use Amndroid never know they are Linux users and they vocally oppose using Linux on their desktops!?

But Microsoft is not as foolish as the people who use its OS. Looks like many engineers on the M$ know that defeat of Windows is imminent, and they are giving their way slowly ao that it would not look like a humiliating defeat.

First is M$’s Azure. It offers Linux on its servers, and I bet there are more Azure instances that run Linux than Windows. Recently I had a problem with Windows. In my office we use Python as we are a data science company, one of my coworker had a problem in running a flask app. It worked perfectly on my system which was and Ubuntu.

After a little bit investigation it was evident the way that the way Windows OS functioned was a problem. I had an irrational resistance for installing GNU Linux on her computer, but it was clear the resistance was irrational. There is a way to combat irrationality, let the irrational people finish stuff. Work stopped and fortunately for me, the person realized loss in productivity and it was the only the way to go ahead, so I installed GNU Lubuntu.

I just wondered if Windows was such a crap system, why are developers using it? Are CTO’s around the world gone nuts? Haven’t they seen such a problem? But then to my amazement, I found that Windows 10 now allows Linux subsystem to be installed in it! Its not as good as full GNU Linux at your disposal, but rather than fighting the free software community, M$ has recognized Linux which once it famously called as the toy OS.

Like a Spartan phalanx Linux is advancing, though M$ is doing all it can to stop Linux, it seems not enough. As more and more developers pour in to develop Linux during their free time, M$ simply does not have the budget to win such a war, and they know it really well.

Many economic theorist will be confused to know that a capitalistic organization is bowing to a communal force thats not interested in making a buck. Well, we don’t know if the Universe is infinite, but we are sure that human stupidity is.


Install the Windows Subsystem for Linux