Tomorrow 12th of February 2018 will be a very shameful day for all Tamils in India. This day will prove that we are utter fools and have misused a great tool given to us by Independence. We have elected such a government that will inaugurate a picture of a convicted criminal in our assembly.

In short this proves that we have elected a gang thats such audaciously so criminal and such dumb minded they don’t even realize that they are inaugurating a picture of criminal in assembly and they don’t seem to realize its wrong.

Jayalalitha is a criminal, she is a goon and thats been proven in court. If at all we must allow her picture to be hosted in assembly, then it must be proven that she is innocent. Dumb ass Edapadi and Paneerselvam are so so fools they don’t even know to respect law.

If we don’t realize its wrong, no force in this universe will be able to save us.