I was finishing up 12th, but that was not just it. I took on computer science group, I had the vision to become a electrical engineer. The funny thing is though I studied hard for my 12th exam and got decent marks, it was not enough. I had to take exams to get into Engineering course. I then wondered why can’t I take an exam straight for engineering degree and avoid 12th or why can’t people be smart enough do design exams in such a way that if you have passed 12th you are qualified to get engineering?

If someone eyed for medicine or engineering, then they must take 3 exams. One for 12th, another for medicine entrance and other for engineering entrance. In this modern world where people are getting stressed because so much is put on their shoulders, I truly wonder why there must be so many exams?

I feel education system in India and possibly in most of industrialized countries are broken, and I feel the world looks qualified enough but is not educated enough to realize that its mostly made up of stupid people and they are the ones who are controlling us.