SCIM on Linux Mint

Yup, I am ditching Ubuntu. It works great on high power systems and Unity Desktop is really slow on any low power computers. Possibly those lenses are the problem who knows. But the main thing I missed in Ubuntu is SCIM (smart common input method) which lets me type my language Tamil quiet easily. For some reason it did not work in Ubuntu.

I have a desktop in my home that is low powered system compared to normal standards. I installed mint on it, surprisingly it installed faster than Ubuntu, it works smoothly without a glitch. And whats important is I can install SCIM and use Tamil in it! Just go to this link , follow the procedure and you got it.

Plus Ubuntu which started out by saying its a community distro is now ignoring the voice of community. Though I wont call it a betrayal, I feel it does not stand to mean what “Ubuntu” really is. So anyway thanks Linux Mint!

வாழ்க வையகம்! வளர்க லினக்ஸ் மின்ட்!!