
So, its another try to launch a application that truly benefit the masses. I have launched this classified raklist.com after getting annoyed with other classifieds websites like sulekha and olx.

Unlike other sites raklist does not collect your contact details and sell it to some one (in-fact it doesn’t bother who you are, just checks if you are a advanced species of monkey). Does not track your location, set cookies. Currently its uncensored and hence you have total freedom till SOPA / PIPA or Indian I.T act jumps in, shackles us, and force us to remove something.

Raklist is far simple to use than any other classifieds website, the only thing we don’t have is huge number people visiting it right now and huge bank balance. We will be rolling out features that no classifieds site has ever dreamed of and will be true patrons of Internet freedom.

I thank all hackers (well known and unsung) around this planet. They have made raklist cheap. It cost less than $100 per month to run it! I thank the free software foundation, Richard Stallman who by some probability responded to all my emails (thus increasing my enthusiasm about free software), the creators of The Pirate Bay and people who share in it. They made me download good books, with it I got the tech know how to build things. And I thank all who support information and software freedom and the culture of sharing.

If Raklist is successful it will surely contribute back to free software community.