is all about money
I just happened to log on to yesterday and wanted to create an ad to get more web developers. And it prompted me for payment. Then i said to my self, ‘OK I will think about it’ and postponed it to today.
Just minutes ago I got a call from , the person other side said, ‘you have registered as recruiter, you can locate opportunities in two ways, first is you can create a job posting for a month and that would cost rs 1600+, or you could search resumes for a some blab blah amount.’ . I said ‘yup I’ll think about it’. And that girl annoyed me by saying ‘why don’t you pay? why don’t u pay?’ and the rest is blah blah. AH!
Whats the mission of naukri? Is it to enable employers find right employees or make the employers pay? This type of bullying on phone sucks. I have created a recruiters login, and I will recruit when I want to. I wonder why on Earth they are so craving about money?
Business should have a clear vision, they must stick to it. MBA and profit and craving for wealth should be a last option. If you are good, most probably I won’t be posting blog about you.