I have long suspected Linkedin to be a spam website. It had been long sending messages that some stupid wants me to join it and I ignored its emails. After hearing from one of my stupid friends that its a great website, I accepted its offer and that’s it.

Almost every day this dumb website sends me emails on some stupid thing so that it can get hit counts. When I try to make change in the settings, it won’t get saved. My God! Why I need to receive emails of what my friend is upto. If my friend is hungry, I don;t need to eat for him, if he is dead i will still be alive. I sucks. I had the same problem with facebook, but was able to turn it off going through a maze of navigation’s. I think I must get a Ph.d in “facebook navigational research”. in linkedin even a Ph.d won’t do you good.

I have no other way than to mark these linkedin spam mails as spam so that in future it ends up in my spam folder. The heck with this idiotic website.