Its stupid. I opened my personal and company email accounts and I found a bunch of Pongal greetings delivered by my friends. The result, I have spamed them all. This thing truly sucks. Before and on on every festive date I get a bunch of greeting emails. They are such high in number that it makes reading other important emails tough.

I don’t know what to say to those idiots who call them self as my friend. Either they have no brains to think or they are pretending to be insane. I truly don’t know. Why can’t they tell ‘happy Pongal’ to a beggar in street a destitute, a person who is in doldrums. Why on Earth they think that that I won’t be happy on festive season. This is truly nuts.

People, please send your crap emails to those who identify them self as your friends and stop mailing me these crap things. I know its Pongal. I know we should be happy. I know blah blah blah, I am not a amnesia patient to be remained about it year after year. It truly sucks.