There are two languages that have captivated me. The first one is C and another one is Ruby. I have used Java and PHP to achieve many things and make money, but C and Ruby I feel is great. C gives nearly 100% power to the programmer to control his or her device. Ruby on the other hand is very powerful and entirely object oriented programming language. I did fall in love with Perl one and a half years ago, but now its like a lost love, it doesn’t bother me and I don’t bother it any more.

Ruby is so easy and simple, its like a sexy girl in front of you waiting to be used, and its entirely free software. Believe it or not, it dazzles. I did fall in love with Ruby and am using it for almost everything. I write web software, write system applications, automate my tasks on my Linux boxes and am trying to learn Rub GTK to write my own GUI applications. The love became so great that I have written my own Ruby book (just for my reference). I don’t think its fit for any other purpose. But its a good book.

When I was writing the book before, I used to refer other books because mine I felt was incomplete. But recently the trend is changing. I am starting to refer my own book compared to others. I don’t mean to say mine is superior, but all I say is mine is just another book. Its seems to be reaching some maturity. Those who are interested can visit my Ruby book website .