I was busy coding a Pharmacy app and I have to deliver it within 2 weeks. My phone rang and it was my friend Clement. He remained my of my friend Guruprasath’s marriage tomorrow. It was then I realized that another friend had dropped me an invitation by email. He was a close friend and just then I faced a possibility of upsetting him by missing his marriage. Fortunately it was May 31st, I was thinking today was June 2nd.

Well two marriage receptions on the same time slot, has my college mates have no other job than to run behind women? I wonder who invented the law that one must visit a marriage to satisfy the married couple. I have to rush to Tambaram around 6:30PM to attend Arun’s, knock at one marriage hall door, say bye bye to the couple, head in the opposite direction to Dashprakash hotel to attend another. Life sucks.

Can’t they have a web cast so any 1 from any were on this planet can view it, or better skip it. Or better still can’t people keep marriage a private affair. Why on earth thes