There is no doubt in my mind that Ruby On Rails(ROR) will conquer the future web development which involves the use of some kind of framework. If an organizations fails to use ROR, it will be conquered by one that uses it.

Rails has two great advantages
1. It has been created by a person who has really thought well about web frameworks, he has taken excellent ideas from past and has woven it together in Rails. Rails is a framework that has been extracted from web application called Basecamp.
2. Rails is built over a excellent programming language Ruby which is very suited for hackers. It has got certain features of LISP too. PHP (at least for the time being) has not got some features of Ruby. Rails relies heavily on some of Rubys cool features like Reflections and possibly Meta programming.

Rails has got a disadvantage. Currently free ( ) web development is swamped by PHP people. PHP is a language with shallow learning curve, any one can learn it in a week or less and can create quick and dirty web pages quiet soon, this has led to garbled web pages being created, but has led to the enormous popularity that PHP enjoys now. Many know PHP and don’t want to learn another language and framework that has steep learning curve. Knowing PHP, its not easy for one to endure the steepness ROR.

I had the same trouble with ROR, I gave up 11 times till now, but something in me told to push on. Today, just minuted ago, things came to a full circle, some neuron fired at right time and I understood all of Rails I had seen. I may have just seen the surface, but it looks magnificent.